With decades of worldwide operational experience and tried and tested data management tools, IOM is uniquely positioned to increase the evidence base on migration. IOM provides information, advice and technical support to further the efforts of stakeholders to develop and implement effective national, regional and global migration management policies and strategies.

In Thailand, IOM conducts a broad range of research on regional, sub-regional and national migration issues to promote evidence-based dialogue, identify gaps in policy frameworks and provide support for continued collaborative work with stakeholders.

Policy-oriented research and publications are sought after by government partners who want to better understand migration trends and issues in order to improve overall migration management; donors who want a better understanding of the most urgent migration issues; and development partners who want to better understand the links between migration and a broad range of issues, including climate change, human security, trafficking, poverty reduction, health, education and business and human rights.

IOM’s data collection and research efforts complement the Royal Thai Government’s statistics on migration dynamics and characteristics through mobility tracking and flow monitoring, building upon IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrx (DTM) methodologies and approaches. 

Active in over 90 countries, IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) serves as a key resource globally for information on internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees and migrants. DTM is designed to regularly and systematically capture, process and disseminate information to provide a better understanding of the movements and evolving needs of mobile populations.

In Thailand, DTM has been in use since 2018 to gather data and disseminate information on mobility patterns, needs, protection risks and vulnerabilities of mobile populations, playing a critical role in generating information for evidence-based advocacy and response planning. As of 2023, the team’s operations have become integrated in IOM Thailand’s Migration Data and Research Unit (MDRU) which conducts  mobility tracking, flow monitoring, multi-sectoral assessments of needs and thematic assessments and surveys to enhance the availability of timely, actionable data on the situation and risks facing migrants in Thailand The team also seeks to expand research on the impact of environmental and climate change on human mobility. Through its activities, the unit aims to inform programmes which contribute to creating environments where migrants and host communities can jointly pursue sustainable growth and meet emerging challenges. 

In addition, IOM's research aims to shed light onto the most pressing issues affecting migrant workers in Thailand and the region. Research efforts gather evidence and share analysis to ensure that migration is incorporated into development work, including policy reform, so that all members of society are included, and no one is left behind. 

Further to the reports and publications highlighted below, all publications produced by the IOM Mission in Thailand can be viewed and downloaded here. For all other IOM publications, please visit the IOM Publications website here.